The speed of change is faster than one can think of today and brings about an unprecedented transformation in the business world. We never anticipated that our work-life would transform in such a manner and pace. Thanks to the pandemic situation, companies are busy transforming their customer engagement model and are making them more digital. Hence along with the digital technology transformation, companies are changing their products & business processes too. Mobility, Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT, AR, Blockchain, social media, etc., are driving companies to transform to the next level of a digital revolution.
Now it is for sure that digital transformation will continue to fuel our future. Many digital giants are already part of our daily lives, whether for financial, retail, or healthcare needs. Many organisations tried to speed up their digital transformation by quickly switching over to a modern digital-ready IT infrastructure. But the main crux of the digital transformation success is in the hands of application transformation and business operation transformation. Along with IT infrastructure transformation, one needs to transform its enterprise application & Business Operation transformation too. Especially for the organisation that is dependent on legacy applications and manual processes. Merely changing IT infrastructure transformation is half the story of total digital transformation.
Along with the digital transformation, one should understand and implement the Information security practices in the organisation. One may argue that security controls are there in the implemented technology because the weakest link in the People Process Technology trio is people. Hence, a robust system that mandates security policies and awareness need to be in place. An Information Security Management System in line with ISO 27001 requirements will benefit the Organisation. More practically, the organisation will be ready to handle any eventuality before it happens as there is a risk management practice. Many Technological challenges are now addressed in cloud technologies and are the main point of attraction, such as speed, agility, efficiency, and economies of scale. The other challenges involve organisation processes, Organisation culture, and organisation structure. These challenges can be addressed with the implementation of DevOps practices.
ISD & RAMsys role
At ISD we have our Intertech Development Environment (IDE) which is a secure environment complying to requirements of International standard for Information Security – ISO 27001:2013 RAMSYS is one of the flagship Software products of ISD and is a high-quality Software Applications for Situational Awareness and Remote Communication in support of the businesses to monitor, verify, resolve, and manage events from remote locations. RAMsys is a cloud ready and digital ready product which can be used for digitally transform the Business Operation.